Sony to ante $1.2 billion, double down on image sensors

As consumer demand for cameras continues to rise, Sony plans

to invest $1.2 billion next year to double its production of the

image sensors used in smartphones and digital cameras.

Sony's Exmor CMOS sensor.
Sony's Exmor CMOS sensor.
(Credit: Sony)

The Japanese electronics giant announced today that part of the

 investment would go toward buying back a semiconductor

production line from Toshiba, a deal estimated to cost around

$600 million, according to an industry source cited by Reuters.

The company is also planning to convert part of a plant in

Nagasaki to make CMOS (complementary metal-oxide semiconductor) sensors and will purchase wafer processing

equipment for CMOS image sensors, Reuters said.

Sony is aiming to bump up its image sensor production to

50,000 wafers per month by March 2012, double from the

current 25,000, said the Wall Street Journal (subscription

required). The company has been seeing heavy demand from

smartphone and digital camera makers for its Exmor and Exmor R sensors, which do well in low light conditions,

according to the Journal.

To help raise the cash, Sony will tap into a subsidy from the

Japanese government earmarked for environmentally friendly


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